
Another great episode! And so creepy AHHHH can’t wait for next week! ^_^

< Episode 43  ~

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Caleb literally gave as much blood as he physically could, like the bitch brought himself down to ONE HP, just so he could secure a promise of support from Fjord in the future. He’s so fucking shady. I love him

Caleb four months from now, about to do something Terrible with Fjord’s aid: you promised, Fjord


caduceus clay hates ghosts in the best possible way one can hate ghosts, which is to say that it genuinely feels like he’s just sick of dealing with them.

he hates ghosts like a retail worker hates rude, annoying customers.

he hates ghosts like they’re his loud neighbors who keep waking him up at 6 a.m. on a saturday. absolutely no fear of them, he just dislikes them on a personal level.